Thursday, August 20, 2009


When we were young we asked questions that could not be answered, like:
Tell me how many times can a man turn his head, Pretending he just doesn't see?
The answer my friend, is blowing in the wind. The answer is blowing in the wind.
And we warned each other to: Never trust anyone over thirty.

Some 40 years later, I'm starting to find some answers.

I believe that we can sit in peace and talk things over. We can share our answers and our questions, and even before the recession was felt, we were doing it every day in Linkedin and in other forums.

True enough: The times, they are a'changin.
Now that the recession has settled, we are talking more than before, and we are talking more about more important things than one year ago.

Trust people well over thirty ... Humans, Elephants and Gorillas distinguish themselves from other animals because they care for their elders. And doing so, they show how smart they are. Tribes led by Old Cows, Silverbacks and Elders are more successful than gangs led by juveniles.

Smart human institutions know that. Democratic Legislating bodies, successful armed forces, prestigious universities, innovative research centers and, of course, the Jedi Council accept and welcome older experienced members as a matter of fact.

I don't understand why is it that Industry does not acknowledge the benefit of wisdom over strength.


1 comment:

  1. Very thoughtful post. I like how your opening lines, from a song, captured the naivete of youth. I do tend to think there is a kind evoution in society despite all the craziness we here about on the news...
