Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Purpose (clarity)

Maslow lists 14 "Being - Values" that are appreciated by self actualizing individuals.
1. Truth
2. Goodness
3. Beauty
4. Wholeness
5. Aliveness
6. Uniqueness
7. Perfection
8. Completion
9. Justice
10. Simplicity
11. Richness
12 Effortlessness
13 Playfulness
14. Self-sufficiency.

Of course, he explains and exemplifies further. ("The Farther Reaches of Human Nature", A. H. Maslow, 1971, pages 128 ss). When we talk about clarity of purpose, "The Purpose" would be to produce "good things" that excel in those 14 values, and "Clarity of Purpose" would be the ability to see --clearly-- that we must improve this world (by finding and producing good things).
How do we develop our own clarity of purpose? Well. It seems that we have to go through the first four steps of the pyramid (including finding friendship, true love and peer acceptance), and then we can start self-actualizing.

Sounds like a quest for Princess Leia, Frodo Baggins and Harry Potter does it not?


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