Monday, February 16, 2009


I don't have a problem with being proactive.
Being proactive means you are paying attention to the road ahead and the cars around you, so that you can cross the bridge at the right speed and at the right time. It doesn't mean you cross the bridge before you get there. It doesn't mean you move frantically with pointless action.

Being reactive means you are not paying attention, and wait until you go past the bridge, and then you have to turn back to cross it. I don't like it, because it's expensive, but sometimes it happens.

I do have a problem with pointless action.
Action should have a purpose.
Action should get results.
Some times we value activity over results, maybe because so many of our actions only result in smoke, noise and heat.
Some of us live life, as the bard said, like a tale told by an idiot (...full of sound and fury, signifying nothing).

Well designed and skillfully performed activities should be linked through proper processes and intermediate products to get valued results.
Valued to the customer.
Easier said than done.


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